Dr. Koshy, Dr KOSHY, CEO & MD ATDC. India. An author of 3 major books including the “Indian Design Edge” published by Roli Books is also an internationally acclaimed Presenter and powerful Orator.
Next in the series is a book titled “RUNWAY TO SKILLED INDIA” in the context of the emerging challenges and opportunities in the Skill Eco-system.
Book is preciously is aiming at telescoping the message of ‘Re-skilling, Up-skilling and New Skilling’ (R.U.N. for success) to a wider audience.
Dr. (Prof.) Darlie O. Koshy is a visionary Educationist, persuasive administrator, International Speaker and noted author with an experience spanning 43 years out of which 33 years have been with NIFT, NID, IAM and ATDC (of AEPC). He is well known for transforming several educational institutions which include on top of the list National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad where he had served as the Director and Governing Council Member for two terms of office (2000-2009) Dr. Koshy is credited with the formulation of National Design Policy which was approved by Govt. of India in Feb, 2007 and to quote Anand Mahindra, Chairman of NID Governing Council and Vice-Chairman & MD, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. “(Dr. Koshy) have played a key role in initiating, drafting and formulating India’s Design Policy”. Dr. Darlie Koshy holds PhD from IIT (Delhi) and MBA from School of Management Studies (CUSAT) having undergone long-term Faculty Development Programme at Fashion Institute of Technology ( FIT), (State University, New York), USA before joining NIFT as the Founding Chairperson of Fashion Management, New Delhi.
Dr. Darlie Koshy as the DG & CEO of the Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC under the aegis of AEPC) since 2009 have set up over 200 directly-run ATDC-AVI & ATDC-SMART centres across India in 24 States training over 3,00,000 Candidates by Imparting Skills and Improving their Lives.
Dr. Koshy is an acclaimed Higher & Vocational Education Strategist and Thought Leader in the areas of Textile-Fashion-Retail Industries, Design & Design Management and Skill Development areas. Dr. Koshy has been serving as a member of the Executive Committee of Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) as a Permanent Invitee for over a decade since 2009. He has also served as the Chairman of Curricula Committees of AICTE and NCVT-DG&ET for Textile-Apparel Trades (2012-14), Chairman of Mentor Council of DGE&T (2013-15), Board Member of AMH-SSC (2013-18) and has been working closely with the FICCI Skill Development Committee since 2012. He has also been serving on the FICCI’s Jury for Higher-Education Awards consecutively Since 2016. Earlier, he had served as a Director on the Board of Cottage Industries Corporation of India, Governing Council Member of Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI) NOIDA, (2000-2008), Pt. Dwarka Prasad Mishra Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur (2005-2008), Governing Council Member of National Council of Science Museums (2005-2009). Director on the Board of Management of FDCI (2003-2004) and on the Advisory Board of Lakme-IMG Fashion Week (2006-2018) etc. During his tenure with National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) he has served on various high level policy formulation committees for the Ministry of Textiles, headed by Sri Ajit Seth, Sri B.K. Zutshi, and Sri Satyam over the years between 1990-2000.
The International recognitions and awards conferred on Dr. Darlie Koshy include:-
‘Ordine Della Stella Della Solidarietà Italiana’, the Star of Italian Solidarity, one of the highest civilian awards of the Government of Italy (Sept, 2008) conferred by His Excellency, the President of Italy.
Premio II Ponte 2008: International Award & Citation, 2008 by the Fondazione Europea Guido Venosta for contribution to Design for development and Quality of Life.
International Holden Medal Award of Textile Institute Manchester, UK’ (2016), (2nd Indian to have received the award)
"Outstanding Contribution to Education Award (2015)" for Knowledge, Skill Development and Leadership for the Upliftment of the Society by World Education Council (WEC).
The National recognitions and awards conferred on Dr. Darlie Koshy include:
‘IIT Delhi Alumni Award’ for contribution to “National Development (2008)”.
Hon. Fellowship of the Textile Association (India) in recognition of contribution to the Textile Industry (2008)
‘Path Breaker Award’ for the year 2014 by OGTC, a leading Apparel Association.
CIMA Award for outstanding contribution to Education at the World Education Congress (2015)
Indian Achievers Award for Education Excellence (2018).
APJ Abdul Kalam Award at the 46th National Summit of National Achievers’ Forum (2018).
Dr. Darlie Koshy is a widely regarded International Speaker and has made over 100 Presentations in Germany, Venice, San Francisco, Essen, Berlin (West Germany) Pretoria (South Africa), Santiago (Chile), Colombo (Sri Lanka) in various International Conferences as well as in India in at several National Conferences on Fashion & Apparel, Textiles, Fashion, Design and Skill Development etc.
His acclaimed tomes include Effective Export Marketing of Apparel to the US, EU and Japan (Global Press 1994), ‘Garment Exports Winning Strategies’ (Prentice Hall 1997), ‘Indian Design Edge’ (Roli Books 2008), ‘Not by Design – Lockdown Diary’ (Amazon-Kindle 2020), ‘RUNway to Skilled India’ (DFU-2021) etc. He has also a short story collection in Malayalam (Don Books-2020) to his credit.
Dr. Darlie Koshy is married to Roshini Darlie and have one son, Arun Darlie Koshy (an Information Security Professional at San Jose, USA) married to Dr. Estelle with two children and a Daughter, Alika Darlie Koshy (a Digital Marketing Professional in Bengaluru) married to Johny Raju, an IT Marketing Professional.
(For details ref. Website: www.darliekoshy.com)