SCAI urges for waiver of property tax and fixed electricity costs

The Shopping Centres Association of India (SCAI) has urged various state governments to waive property taxes and fixed electricity charges to deal with the impact of the second wave of COVID-19. As per Economic Times, the association has also requested the state governments to allow shopping centres and malls to start operations as soon as restrictions imposed are eased.

Mukesh Kumar, Chairman, SCAI and CEO, Infinity Malls, said some of the state governments have partly waived off property taxes and fixed electricity costs.

Rajneesh Mahajan, Director, SCAI, said mall operators have recently received the property tax invoices, and if some kind of relief is announced before the payment is made, it can give them some cash flow benefits.

The association also expects some relief from the Reserve Bank of India in terms of one-time restructuring and moratorium.

Kumar said all the malls put together in the country generate an average business of around Rs 15,000 crore per month. They have more capabilities in cleaning, monitoring and implementing hygiene measures, he added.

The entire industry has continued to support the government at all times, adhering to all protocols laid down for creating and ensuring a safe environment, he added.

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