India expands production of N-95 masks

India expands production of N-95 masks

India has expanded production of N-95 masks from 2 million units per month to nearly 25-30 million units per month. There are currently 241 manufacturers of N95 masks in the country, and exports have been allowed. The country is not likely to face a shortage of PPE equipment this year, says K Selvaraju, Secretary General, Southern Indian Mills Association (SIMA). The cost of production has also declined by around 30 per cent, he informs.

Selvaraju added the industry is well equipped to tackle the requirements for second wave, while continuing exports. The association currently exports 30 per cent of its total production, he informs. Smriti Irani, Union Minister for Textiles, has said the availability of PPE coveralls and N95 masks in India continues to be seamless.

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