13 October 2022, Mumbai:
Footwear and outdoor gear brand Woodland is planning to invest around Rs 70 crores annually to increase its manufacturing capacity and store counts in the country. The company plans to add ten new stores before the end of the financial year 2023 with a focus on metros and mini metros across India.
The company can produce eight million pairs of shoes and clothing annually if the capacity of the current factories is used to its full potential. This is without building any additional plants. Woodland is now using roughly 60 percent of its installed capacity. Woodland specialises in premium athleisure footwear designed for the outdoors and runs its super-premium Wood label. The brand, which began in Canada, first entered India 25 years ago and retails through 500 stores with a presence in over 5,000 multi-brand outlets.
Woodland has a strong foothold widely spread across the countrythrough exclusive outlets as well as a presence in small and large format MBOs. Launching new products, and revamping existing products to satisfy the end user while maintaining the distinctive quality, is one vital exercise that Woodland being an international brand believes in. During the pandemic, it crossed new milestones by marking a very strong presence across various e-commerce channels. Other than this, it has also expanded its footprint in the export market.
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