35bazaar to open new experience centers in India

Hybrid e-commerce platform, 35bazaar plans to open new experience centers in India with the seed funding it received from the US-based venture fund Village Global. As per Fashion Network, 335bazaar already has two experience centres in New Delhi. It plans to open 100 stores in the next six months across all neighbourhood markets in Delhi. The business has two main pillars: 335bazaar experience centres that offer a mall-like experience to Indian consumers at affordable pricing and Social commerce via live streams that use technology to offer live deals, group shopping and entertainment.

Founded in 2020, 35bazaar plans to launch a new e-commerce model to convert unorganized lifestyle stores into 335bazaar experience centres. Taponeel Mukherjee, Co-founder, 335bazaar says, its vision is to offer Indians a great shopping experience through the seamless interaction of the online and offline worlds.

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