Include all non-food items as essential goods, urges RAI

The Retailers Association of India (RAI) has urged the Delhi Government to include all non-food items in its list of essential goods.

Kumar Rajgopalan, CEO, RAI, requested the government to maintain a balance between lives and livelihood to ensure that while lives are saves livelihoods are not lost. As per Fashion Network, RAI suggested that non-essential goods currently forced to close during the new six-day lockdown, should be allowed to open at limited capacity to enable them to fulfil home delivery orders made online or over the phone. The RAI is lobbying for retailers of all sizes to be permitted to continue their business in this limited capacity.

The RAI is attempting to spare businesses from the hardships caused by last year’s lockdown. With coronavirus cases in Delhi currently rising by around 25,000 a day, the local government is attempting to prevent overwhelm in hospitals.

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