Blackberrys revamps Dimapur EBO to expand audience reach

One of India’s foremost premium clothing brands, Blackberrys has refurbished its exclusive brand outlet in Dimapur. With its new look and new range of clothing, the refurbished outlet will cater to a greater demographic, says NirdoshKapil, Vice President-Sales, Blackberrys.
Started by two graduates of the National Institute of Fashion in New Delhi, Nikhil and Nitin Mohan, Blackberrys has devised its own fit called the ‘India Slim Fit’. The fit created by the brand makes customers looker slimmer whatever body types they may have, adds Kapil.
In the last two fiscals, (2022-23 and 2023-24), the brand registered annual turnovers of over Rs 1,000 crore. The online operations of Blackberrys are worth nearly 1,400 crore, notes Kapil.