Experts criticiseTahiliani’sikat-inspired uniforms for India at 2024 Paris Olympics


29 July 2024, Mumbai

Celebrated fashion designer TarunTahiliani'sikat-inspired uniforms for the India contingent at the 2024 Paris Olympics are being heavily criticised by industry stalwarts from across all quarters. Designed in the colors of the national flag, the uniforms are being slammed as cheap and tacky on social media.

Columnist DrNanditaIyer says, she has seen better sarees sold in Mumbai streets for Rs. 200 than the ceremonial uniforms designed by Tahiliani. She describes these uniforms as a combination of digital prints, cheap polyester fabric, and an unimaginative use of the tricolor.

Echoing similar sentiments, actor Tara Deshpande comments, the uniforms look absolutely awful. An user of the social media platform X, Namita, adds, crumpled kurtas, polyester printed sarees, faded colors, coming from the land of a hundred-plus handloom fabrics, numerous outstanding weaves, and vibrant colors. Travesty.

The uniforms featured male athletes in white kurta pajamas with jackets showcasing the saffron and green of the Indian tricolor, while female athletes wore sarees. Critics questioned the decision to use printed ikat instead of genuine ikat weaves. Malayalam writer NS Madhavan remarks, Indian athletes like this - dull and ordinary in these uniforms. Tahiliani’s mix of plastic-sheet-like saree, printed ikat, and unimaginative use of tricolor shut the window to the splendid world of Indian textiles.

Defending his choices, Tahilianiexplains, ikat was chosen as it is emblematic of a weaving tradition practiced around the country. However, to meet timelines, his Tasva team had to use digital print ikat.

Tahiliani also defended the use of viscose over cotton, stating, viscose is a wood pulp fiber and lets you breathe. It is cooler than silk.

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