Tiger Marron, KoyToy launch collaborative collection

Tiger Marron, KoyToy launch collaborative collection

12 August 2024, Mumbai

Redefining the accessories market, two leading Indian brands Tiger Marron and KoyToy by KunalKyhaan have launched a collaborative collection that blends cultural heritage with modern designs.

The collection integrates Mughal architectural motifs with contemporary pop culture elements. A significant departure from traditional luxury aesthetics, this innovative blend sets a new standard for cultural fusion in high-end fashion.

Inspired by the elegant arches of Mughal architecture, the collection's outstanding garment piece, the Arch bag series has quickly become a classic. The Maharani purse and Paan Saddle bag are also celebrated for their unique reinterpretation of traditional Indian design, offering something entirely new to the global luxury market.

With sustainability asits key focus, the Tiger Toy collectionuses organic vegan leather alongside high-grade natural leathers. It addresses the growing consumer demand for eco-conscious fashion, without sacrificing quality or style.

The involvement of KunaalKyhaanSeolekar, Founder, KoyToy, a fashion and lifestyle brand, adds a unique dimension to the collaboration. Known for his architectural and interior design background, Seolekar brings innovative structures and shapes to the collection, turning handbags and accessories into wearable art. His bold yet harmonious style has been enthusiastically received by fashion enthusiasts.

The launch of the Tiger Toy collection has been met with widespread acclaim, inspiring designers to explore their heritage through a contemporary lens. The collection not only challenges traditional perceptions but also pushes the boundaries of luxury accessories, heralding a new era in fashion that celebrates cultural richness and innovation.

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