CMAI Achievers Club hosts key sessions on digital marketing and branding


The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) Achievers Club recently hosted an enlightening event featuring two knowledge sessions: "Decoding Digital Marketing" by Temujin Mansukhani and Suraj Adhikari from Schbang Academy, and "How to Build a Brand – The Go Colors Way" by Gautam Saraogi, Co-Founder & CEO of Go Colors, moderated by CMAI's Chief Mentor, Rahul Mehta. These sessions aimed to provide industry members with valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance their business acumen.
Rajesh Masand, President of CMAI, inaugurated the event, emphasizing the importance of learning from industry leaders. "The Achievers Club aims to inspire and guide us by understanding the journeys of distinguished speakers and their business models. In today’s evolving market, merely having a label is not enough; we must adapt and implement new strategies for success," he stated.
Gautam Saraogi's session focused on the remarkable journey of Go Colors. Initially starting with an export business, the family pivoted to domestic retail, identifying a niche in the women’s bottom wear market. Their breakthrough came in 2011 with the launch of a successful mall kiosk, leading to rapid expansion. By 2013-2014, Go Colors had grown into a 45-crore business and secured a $10 million investment from Sequoia Capital. Despite challenges, the brand thrived by opening dedicated stores, resulting in tripled sales and rapid expansion to 200 stores within two years. Today, Go Colors boasts 720 stores nationwide.
Saraogi highlighted the critical role of digital marketing and e-commerce in their success. Leveraging online platforms allowed Go Colors to reach a broader audience and gain insights into consumer preferences, refining their product offerings and marketing tactics. Digital strategies, including social media and targeted advertising, significantly boosted brand awareness and customer engagement.
The session by Schbang Academy delved into the nuances of digital marketing, emphasizing the importance of understanding the Indian market's unique characteristics. They presented case studies of brands like H&M, IMS, and Crompton, showcasing the impact of targeted digital campaigns. Key takeaways included adopting a holistic approach, combining creative content, strategic media planning, and advanced technology to enhance the consumer journey from awareness to retention. Personalization and an omnichannel presence were highlighted as essential for effective brand engagement.
Overall, the event provided attendees with actionable insights and strategies to navigate the competitive market. By featuring industry leaders and experts, the CMAI Achievers Club continues to empower apparel manufacturers and brand owners, fostering growth and innovation in the industry. The event was attended by over 60 MSME apparel brands and manufacturers, marking a significant step towards sustainable success and industry excellence.


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