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RMG Export Performance Data for CY 2023 & Jan’24

20 February 2024, Mumbai

Bangladesh Apparel Industry: A glance

Sharing an update on export performance for the period of July 2023–January 2024, focusing on the positive shift in January 2024.

Positive Growth in January 2024:

  • After a challenging October-December 2023, RMG exports saw a remarkable turnaround in January, growing by 12.45% compared to January 2023.
  • Knitwear exports led the charge with a 17.32% increase, while woven exports also rebounded with a 7.16% jump.
  • January 2024 marked a historic moment with the highest-ever monthly export turnover of US$ 4.97 billion, nearly reaching the US$ 5 billion milestone.

Factors Contributing to the Growth:

  • This progress reflects our continuous efforts in product and market diversification, along with an upward climb in value addition.
  • Global economic recovery: Retail sales in key markets like the US and UK reached record highs during the holiday season, indicating a positive shift.
  • Reduced inventory burden: Buyers are expected to place new orders as excess inventory pressures subside.
  • Easing economic pressures: High inflation and interest rates are normalizing in major economies, creating a more favorable trading environment.

Outlook for 2024:

Based on these trends, BGMEA anticipates a strong comeback in terms of trade and growth throughout 2024.


Bangladesh Apparel Industry: Upward Turn in January 2024

1. Growth Surge:

  • RMG exports jump 12.45% in Jan 2024 vs Jan 2023.
  • Knitwear leads with 17.32% increase, woven exports up 7.16%.
  • Highest monthly turnover ever: US$ 4.97 billion.

2. Key Drivers:

  • Product & market diversification, increased value addition.
  • Global recovery: holiday season boosts retail sales in major markets.
  • Reduced inventory, new orders expected.
  • Easing economic pressures in major economies.

3. 2024 Outlook:

  • BGMEA anticipates strong trade & growth throughout 2024.

CREDITS: BGMEA press release

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Navigating the Digital Fashion Boom: GenAI

20 February 2024, Mumbai

GenAI sets value across supply chains; Traditional fast fashion faces mounting challenges, but digital fashion, fueled by tech advancements, emerges as a powerful alternative.

Its data-driven, collaborative spirit fosters innovation and sustainability, resonating with a generation deeply connected to technology.

Deep-learning GenAI; However, being in its early stages, comprehensive research is vital to navigate this uncharted territory.

  1. A Human-Centered Approach

    Cognitive; This exploration takes a holistic approach, examining both industry trends and core consumer psychology.

    Beyond trends, We delve into human perceptions of the virtual world and explore how digital fashion can seamlessly integrate into the metaverse's budding economy.

    Designing the Future Wardrobe:

    The analysis investigates the evolving skillset demanded by emerging designers. We propose a revolutionary platform that redefines their work, fosters consumer interaction, and empowers the personalized creation of intricate and valuable digital garments.

    Fast Fashion's Fall, Digital Fashion's Rise: Recalibration

    Fashion's AI-Fueled Symphony: A Harmonious Collaboration of Human Ingenuity and Machine Intelligence

    Shrouded Intrigue; AI-generated fashion goods and services

    Metaverse and Fashion: Technology is @ centre

    This journey through the metaverse and fashion, intertwined with cutting-edge technologies, signifies a digital revolution for the industry. The metaverse emerges as a transformative space hitherto conventional, enabling: key insights

    • Immersive Engagement: New avenues to interact, express, and connect through fashion.
    • Fosters Innovations: Experimenting with virtual designs and pushing creative boundaries.
    • Conscious and responsible practices: Reducing physical waste and minimizing and mitigating the environmental impact the processes leave for a greener planet.

    Sexy world of metaverse: Go crazy! Walk into a world where fashion transcends the physical, where self-expression explodes into vibrant digital landscapes.

    VR; This is the metaverse, a virtual reality where businesses, especially those in fashion and retail, are stepping into a future brimming with possibilities.

    Opportunities boundless

    User cases; armed with customizable avatars, become living canvases for fashion brands. Imagine virtual runways showcasing never-before-seen designs and interactive immersive stores where avatars try on dressing in real-time.

    Intriguing: The metaverse is a gateway to Gen Z, the tech-savvy generation poised to become the next wave of consumers and influencers.

    Case in point; Brands that embrace this virtual space can tap into their values, desires, and aspirations and build lasting loyalty and deep impressions to build stickiness.

    Digital Transformation: It's a positive catalyst for change capable of catapulting the envelope of fashion design, and encouraging experimentation with new materials, textures, and functionalities what we call externalities.

    Fosters sustainable practices; minimizing physical waste and production footprints. But this digital transformation also brings challenges.

    Agility and adaptability: Businesses must adapt their existing models to thrive in this new ecosystem. Design processes need to evolve, incorporating virtual tools and catering to digital avatars.

    Hardwired Data-science; New business practices emerge, demanding expertise in data management, security, and virtual currency. Human interaction takes on a new form, requiring innovative engagement strategies reshaping fashion.

    Atam-Nirbharta; A stride in the direction of smart e-technology becomes elixir in fashion space today; seamlessly connecting the physical and virtual worlds.

    Virtual Fashion; How will it pan out? The metaverse is dynamically undergoing a paradigm shift in the evolving landscape of the fashion and retail industries. This frontier beckons, waiting for businesses to step into the future of fashion, stitch by stitch.

    Fashion buckets show exuberance; Needless to say, this digital revolution reasonably shapes the future of fashion in the digital era as momentum continues, creating exciting and responsible possibilities for designers, retailers, brands, and consumers alike across the eco-system; Something we have not seen for a while triggering the need for data-learning is reflected granularly in the construction of the fashion industry in the transition time.

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How can AI-empowered solutions be a game changer in Fashion Industry?

17 February 2024, Mumbai

Fashion's AI-Fueled Symphony: A Harmonious Collaboration of Human Ingenuity and Machine Intelligence

Shrouded Intrigue: AI-generated fashion goods and services

Unfolding story; Imagine fashion marketing transcending automation, morphing into a symphony of personalized experiences orchestrated by the harmonious blend of human creativity and machine intelligence.

Key driver; The AI-empowered fashion industry, fueled by data-driven insights and AI-assisted mechanisms, elevates marketing to the conductor's role, leading the dynamic dance between opportunities and challenges presented by technology.

From Automation to Augmentation: Curative Approach

A Powerful Duet; Industry 4.0 saw fashion function on autopilot, churning out tasks with impressive efficiency but lacking the human touch. Today's evolving fashion industry, embracing agile adaptation, ushers in a collaborative duet.

AI agents are no longer robots; they're fashion-savvy partners, analyzing vast datasets to predict individual preferences and spot emerging trends. 

This empowers brands to curate laser-targeted campaigns as one size doesn't fit all, reaching the right audience with the perfect outfit at the perfect moment.

At scale

It is rightly said there are no easy answers to keep today's evolved & and demanding consumers captivated at scale and away from deploying how well stakeholders can embrace new age and cutting-edge AI-enabled interventions.

Further, AI-powered communication tools personalize interactions at scale. Imagine chatbots equipped with emotional intelligence, responding to customer queries with empathy and understanding.

Dynamic content platforms tailor website copy and social media posts to individual style preferences, creating a seamless, personalized journey that fosters deeper engagement and brand loyalty.

Consumer Empowerment: The consumer is the queen!

However, the spotlight doesn't solely shine on the conductor and their AI collaborators. The AI-fueled fashion industry empowers consumers as well, transforming them from passive recipients into active participants in fashion's grand show.

Consumers become co-creators, using AI tools to customize outfits, access virtual fitting rooms, and share their feedback directly with brands, shaping the fashion landscape.

Externalities; Social media platforms become their voice, allowing them to influence the industry's direction by expressing their opinions, preferences, and values. This shift creates a more democratic and diverse fashion landscape, where consumers and brands collaborate in a harmonious exchange.

Navigating the New Landscape: A Conductor's Toolkit

This metamorphosis presents both exciting opportunities and daunting challenges. To thrive, marketers must equip themselves with a new set of skills:

  • Data analytics and its use case: Understanding and interpreting data is no longer optional, it's essential for crafting and curating targeted campaigns and measuring success.
  • Humans are front and center of today's design: Technology is a tool, not a replacement for human empathy and creativity. Marketers must design experiences that are not only efficient but also emotionally engaging and reflect the essence of fashion.
  • Considerations beyond economics: As AI becomes more sophisticated, ethical considerations come to the forefront. Marketers will do justice by ensuring responsible use of data and avoiding manipulative tactics that erode trust.


Culture of inclusivity; By embracing this transformation and wielding the combined power of human ingenuity and machine intelligence, marketers can become maestros of personalized fashion experiences.

They can conduct an orchestra that resonates with both brands and consumers stemming from informed insights, ushering in a new era of fashion driven by data-driven insights and harmonious AI-assisted unparalleled collaboration in the face of global events.

5 Key Insights on Fashion's AI-Fueled Symphony:

  1. Beyond Automation: From autopilot to curated experiences, AI augments human creativity, not replaces it.
  2. Personalized at Scale: AI understands individual preferences and tailors marketing, reaching the right audience with the right message.
  3. Consumers as Co-Creators: AI empowers consumers to customize, share feedback, and shape the fashion landscape they desire.
  4. Data-Driven Conductor: Marketers must wield data insights and human understanding to orchestrate successful campaigns.
  5. Ethical Harmony: Responsible AI use and inclusivity are crucial for building trust and fostering a sustainable fashion future.

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Made in Bangladesh!

09 February 2024, Mumbai


The pandemic ravaged the global fashion industry, but Bangladesh's garment sector displayed remarkable resilience.

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Factories reopened with strict protocols, avoiding major outbreaks. However, the recovery remained shaky due to global uncertainty and new variants.

Beacon of hope

Vaccines offered hope, and BGMEA advocated for their swift rollout to garment workers. The Prime Minister's leadership saw expedited vaccination prioritized, even simplifying registration and offering on-site services. This groundbreaking decision protected lives and livelihoods.

Foreign buyers, professionals, and their families were included, ensuring smooth operations. Multilateral donors and foreign governments also lent support.

Historic measures

Beyond advocacy, BGMEA donated a PCR lab and medical equipment and turned its hospital into an isolation center. BDT 100 million went to the Prime Minister's fund, and ambulances were donated to hospitals.

This united effort steered the industry through turbulent times, showcasing both vulnerability and the power of collaboration in the face of crisis.

Context setting

Despite a challenging global landscape, Bangladesh's RMG exports reached US$47.39 billion in 2023, with 3.67% growth. 

This commendable feat shows the industry's resilience in the face of global import reductions, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions.

Five Key Insights on Bangladesh's Garment Sector Resilience:

  1. Swift Reopening: Strict protocols kept outbreaks low, despite the pandemic's devastation.
  2. Vaccinated Workforce: BGMEA's advocacy secured prioritized vaccination, protecting lives and livelihoods.
  3. Global Collaboration: Foreign buyers, donors, and governments joined forces for smooth operations.
  4. Beyond Advocacy: BGMEA donated resources and medical support, demonstrating leadership.
  5. Growth Amidst Turmoil: Exports rose despite global challenges, showcasing remarkable resilience.

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How AI x Machine Learning are Revolutionizing the Metaverse


Fashion Metamorphosis:

What deserves mention is that "the metaverse is here, offering a unified platform for boundless possibilities, and at the forefront of this revolution stands a powerful duo: artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).".

Video Insights

This dynamic and vibrant partnership is shaping the future of fashion in the metaverse in more than one way:

  1. Drive Fashion to Your Taste: Imagine AI analyzing your preferences and suggesting personalized outfits that perfectly match your style. ML algorithms can learn from your past purchases, browsing data, and even your social media activity to curate a virtual wardrobe that reflects your unique personality.
  2. Transformative Idea: Think beyond flat images and static models. AI-powered virtual try-on lets you seamlessly project clothing onto your avatar, allowing you to see how different styles drape and move in real-time. This immersive experience makes online shopping more engaging, sticky, and convenient.
  3. Dynamic Dressing: Forget static outfits. AI-powered materials can adapt to your preferences and surroundings. Expect crazy ideas like," a dress that changes color based on your mood and choices or a jacket that even adjusts its temperature based on the virtual environment.".
  4. Customisation: Ever dreamt of designing your clothes? AI and ML can help! Powerful tools can guide you through the design process, generating unique and personalized pieces that reflect your taste and vision.
  5. Democratizing Fashion Co-Creation: Gone are the days when fashion design was limited to a select few. AI-powered platforms can empower anyone to become a virtual fashion designer, allowing them to create and sell their styles within the metaverse.
  6. Expect fashion to go green: AI can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable fashion practices in the metaverse. By optimizing production processes and predicting trends, AI can help reduce waste and promote eco-friendly materials.

How the future of fashion will look: This is just a glimpse into the exciting future of fashion in the metaverse, powered by the transformative life-changer duo of AI and ML.

Use case

The primary point is," Myntra is disrupting the age-old practices of the fashion industry with data and machine learning.

It is now able to provide brands with consumer insights that take into account not only the consumer’s profile but also variables like their location, weather patterns, and what other consumers with similar parameters are buying.".

There is more agreement around," Computers allow modern designers to create new patterns and styles compared to old tools. But computing does not mean a laptop or desktop running Windows new CAD software, but machine learning and the use of AI to create a new era for the fashion industry".

Unfolding story: Forget the clunky, isolated virtual worlds of the past

Narrative is expecting the unexpected; As these emerging technologies continue to evolve, we can expect even more incredible, innovative, and personalized experiences that break down barriers, redefine, and re-imagine the way we interact with fashion in the virtual world.

5 Key Insights on Fashion's Metamorphosis:

  1. Personalized Style: AI tailors outfits to your unique taste.
  2. Immersive Shopping: Virtual try-on makes online shopping real.
  3. Dynamic Clothing: AI fabrics adapt to you and your environment.
  4. Democratized Design: Anyone can create and sell virtual fashion.
  5. Sustainable Future: AI reduces waste and promotes eco-friendly materials.

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AI Revolutionizes Fashion: 5 Reasons 2024 is Textile Design 2.0

17 February 2024, Mumbai

Ditch the Deja Vu, AI Designs Your Dream Dress: Tired of predictable patterns? AI in 2024 will unlock personalized textile designs unlike anything seen before. It's the dawn of Textile Design 2.0, where fashion meets the future, empowering every fashionista.

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  1. Unleashing Creativity: Mastering textile design is a time-consuming art. AI breaks the lock, fostering innovation and individuality. Forget years of training, AI "gets" what sells, not just what stuns, as Kerrey, an industry expert, emphasizes.
  2. Boosting Sales with AI: Design isn't just magic. AI identifies potential buyers, informing them of design choices they love. Imagine automated marketing campaigns, reaching the perfect audience. No more guessing, just delivering what they crave, says De La Vega, a fashion tech pioneer.
  3. Experimentation on Steroids: Uniqueness defines fashion, but creative blocks are real. AI unlocks designs even human minds haven't dreamed of. Push fashion boundaries, and offer unprecedented choices, De La Vega explains.
  4. Quality Redefined: Fashion is about identity, and quality reflects your brand. Traditionally, skilled workers inspected fabrics. Now, AI automates and speeds up quality control, from yarn to raw cotton analysis.
  5. A Future-Ready Fashion Space: Fashion lets us express ourselves, but there's always room for improvement. 2024's AI integration propels the industry forward, inspiring fashionistas and creating lasting trends. As Hua, fashion council leader, concludes, "AI will democratize fashion, making it more accessible and personalized for everyone."

The future of fashion is here, powered by AI. Are you ready for your wardrobe upgrade?

5 AI Fashion Insights:

  1. Bye-bye Bland: AI unveils one-of-a-kind textile designs.
  2. Creative Shortcut: Master design faster with AI's helping hand.
  3. Sales on Autopilot: AI finds your ideal customer, boosting sales.
  4. Fashion Innovation: Explore never-before-seen designs with AI.
  5. Quality Assurance: AI guarantees impeccable fabric quality, every time.

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AI in fashion: A use-case!

08 February 2024, Mumbai


Fashion, an ever-evolving tapestry, now intertwines with technology's latest wonders: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

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Toolkit; This potent blend empowers brands to predict trends with uncanny accuracy. Imagine analyzing diverse data streams to understand the collective fashion pulse and then tailoring designs that resonate deeply.

Nuanced view

This piece of information offers a comprehensive model for AI-powered product prediction, meticulously built upon existing research. The rewards are tangible: optimized profits, improved product development, and efficient inventory management.

But the journey doesn't end at mere prediction. Generative AI, still in its early stages, brims with the potential to streamline processes, accelerate market entry, and foster customer satisfaction.

Co-pilot: Man & AI

It's not about replacing human creativity, but rather providing tools for faster, more refined tasks and enhanced service. Imagine AI as a co-pilot, amplifying human talent and imagination.

Technology and AI are becoming threads woven into the very fabric of fashion, impacting design, production, and consumption. The rise of "Clothing Industry 5.0" cements AI's central role.

But with innovation comes responsibility. As AI pervades the industry, navigating ethical and privacy considerations becomes crucial. We must ensure that this technological tapestry respects cultural nuances and prioritizes sustainability.

Technology is an enabler

This write-up delves into these crucial questions, presenting a vision of fashion's future where technology empowers creativity, optimizes processes, and respects ethical boundaries.

Dynamism: It's an invitation to imagine a world where AI doesn't dictate trends but rather fuels them, creating a fashion landscape as diverse and nuanced as the human spirit itself.

5 Key Insights:

  1. Fashion meets AI: Tech revolutionizes design prediction.
  2. Data tapestry: Algorithm tailors trends with uncanny accuracy.
  3. Beyond prediction: Generative AI sparks streamlined processes.
  4. Human + AI: Amplify creativity, not replace it.
  5. Ethical fashion: Navigate challenges, embrace responsibility.

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Metaverse for fashion revolution: AI

17 February 2024, Mumbai

Dress to Impress the Metaverse: Fashion's AI-Powered Future

The future of fashion is virtual and the world has gone way beyond physical catways! Dig into the metaverse, where AI tailors experience something as unique as your style. Run your imagination wild:

  • Your digital doppelgänger, strutting through virtual stores, trying on outfits that adapt to your mood and preferences.
  • AI stylists whisper secrets, predicting your next must-have piece before you even know it exists.
  • Makes customers take center stage in any fashion show rather than just a mute spectator, interacting with clothes and fellow fashionistas in real-time.

Generative AI is the future & is here to stay, capable of incredibly transforming fashion businesses!

Potential Use Cases:

  1. Instantandom: Transform text into stunning visuals. Create captivating social media posts, product mockups, or presentations – effortlessly.
  2. A peek into the future: Foresee video frames. Analyze video sequences and predict future frames, aiding in sports analysis, traffic prediction, or even self-driving cars.
  3. Making text to talk: Convert text to natural-sounding speech with diverse accents, tones, and emotions. Ideal for educational content, personalized messages, or accessibility tools.
  4. Empowering the trick of voiceover: Create new audio from existing sources in seconds. Generate voiceovers for games, films, or training materials with ease.
  5. Curating customer experience mechanisms: Craft customized content across text, images, music, and more. AI learns your preferences and creates unique experiences for each user.
  6. Stickiness: Generate thought-provoking questions that evolve. Fuel engaging discussions and innovative ideas based on past interactions.
  7. Human creativity gets a leg up: Push creative boundaries with AI-generated concepts, stories, or articles. Let data analysis fuel entirely new forms of artistic expression.
  8. Content creation at scale: Generate massive amounts of unique content swiftly. Develop training materials, scripts, or marketing copy efficiently, leveraging existing information.
  9. Diversity at scale: Create diverse fashion models to reflect your entire customer base. Supports the demonstrability of products authentically enabling a deeper & and wider outreach.
  10. Customization: Utilize conversational AI that analyzes data to generate personalized responses. Ensure customer satisfaction and cater to their specific needs.

A case in point: YOONA.AI's incredible, pathbreaking Berlin metaverse, launched in 2023, hosted the first-ever virtual fashion week. 

No less than a game changer in the global presentation landscape, for instance, effects like immersive experiences with no sense of deja vu revolutionizing the fashion in which fashion uses to connect with its entire eco-system.

Yes, it's not science fiction (Sci-fi), it's the future AI is weaving for fashion. This study unveils:

  • Making shopping playful: Discover how AI understands your desires and tailors the perfect virtual wardrobe.
  • Much more than likes and shares: Explore new frontiers of brand engagement with AI-driven influencers and gamified experiences.
  • Differentiability: Learn how AI empowers brands to innovate and differentiate in the metaverse.

Contextually speaking, the metaverse today is way more than just a catchword, it's a revolution of sorts. Inviting stakeholders to explore and discover fashion's hidden, untapped potential is driving hard outcomes, taking future fashion notches above, and helping achieve the unexpected.

5 AI Fashion Insights in the Metaverse:

  1. Digital Doppelgänger: Try on outfits that adapt to your mood.
  2. AI Stylist Whisperer: Predict your next fashion obsession.
  3. Interactive Fashion Shows: Become the star, not the spectator.
  4. Generative AI Revolution: Transform fashion businesses forever.
  5. Personalized Content Curating: Craft unique experiences for every user.

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"Assessing the Progress of India's Textile PLI Scheme”

10 February 2024, Mumbai

Challenges, Gains, and the Road Ahead

In September 2021, the government's Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme aimed to propel domestic manufacturing faced a mixed reception in India's textile and apparel industry. 

While ambitious, the scheme encountered sluggish adoption by industry players, prompting questions about its efficacy in this critical sector.

PLI in Textiles: A Hopeful Start with Hurdles

Launched with a promise of Rs 10,683 crore incentives over five years for investments in man-made fiber (MMF) apparel, fabrics, and technical textiles, the PLI scheme aimed to attract Rs 19,000 crore in investments and boost production by Rs 3 lakh crore. Initially, positive responses from major players like Reliance Industries and Welspun were overshadowed by implementation challenges and industry concerns. 

As of January 2024, only a few companies applied, with slow disbursement of incentives. Fashion designer Anita Dongre noted the initial focus on MMF, neglecting cotton and home textiles, essential components of the industry.

Factors Contributing to Slowdown

Several factors hindered PLI adoption in textiles:

  • Complex Application Process: Described as climbing Mount Everest, the intricate documentation and prolonged approvals pose challenges, particularly for smaller players.
  • Stringent Eligibility Criteria: 
  • High investment thresholds, coupled with post-pandemic uncertainties, deterred potential investors without clear return guarantees.
  • Unclear Incentive Structure: 
  • Ambiguities in incentive calculation and disbursement raised uncertainty, delaying investment decisions.
  • Existing Infrastructural Bottlenecks: 
  • Power shortages, logistics issues, and high import duties on raw materials increased production costs, diminishing the appeal of PLI benefits.
  • Limited Scope of PLI-1: 
  • The initial scheme's focus on MMF and technical textiles excluded major segments like cotton and home textiles, hindering broader industry participation.

PLI in Textiles (as of Jan 2024)




Total Incentive Outlay

₹10,683 crore


Expected Investment

₹19,000 crore


Expected Production Increase

₹3 lakh crore


Applications Received


Industry sources

Incentive Disbursed


Industry sources

PLI-2: Addressing Concerns for a Promising Future

PLI-2, launched in December 2023, aims to address industry concerns by expanding its scope to include cotton textiles, home textiles, and select apparel segments. 

While PLI-1 faced criticism for excluding these vital segments, PLI-2's broader approach seeks to remedy this. However, challenges persist, especially for smaller players. 

The application process and minimum investment thresholds remain complex, making PLI-2's success dependent on effective implementation.

Expert Perspectives on PLI-2

Experts cautiously welcome PLI-2, emphasizing its potential impact but highlighting the need for streamlined processes, timely incentive disbursement, and resolution of infrastructural bottlenecks. Radhika Chopra, an economist, notes that the success of PLI-2 hinges on attracting significant investments, especially in areas like cotton textiles. 

To enhance implementation, recommendations include streamlining processes, ensuring transparency in incentive disbursement, addressing infrastructural challenges, and providing support to smaller players.

Learning from Global Examples

India's PLI scheme draws inspiration from initiatives in other countries. China's successful "Made in China 2025" plan and Vietnam's rapid textile industry growth due to free trade agreements offer valuable lessons.

Experts suggest focusing on ethical and sustainable practices, investing in infrastructure, and developing a skilled workforce.

Navigating Challenges for Textile Industry Growth

Challenges (5-6 words):

  • Complex process: Mount Everest paperwork
  • Strict requirements: High hurdles, low guarantees
  • Unclear incentives: Foggy math, delayed decisions
  • Existing bottlenecks: Costly constraints, slow infrastructure
  • Limited scope: MMF-focused, missing major segments

Crucial to India's economy, the textile and apparel industry requires a well-designed and effectively implemented PLI scheme. 

By addressing industry concerns, streamlining processes, and learning from global examples, the government can ensure the PLI scheme contributes significantly to the sector's competitiveness, job creation, and overall growth. 

Only then can it truly weave a story of transformation for India's textile industry.

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Threading the Needle: Automation's Double-Sided Seam in Apparel

07 February 2024, Mumbai

Collaboration, not competition, is key

Imagine a futuristic symphony: not sewing machines, but robots wielding needles and thread, weaving efficiency into the apparel industry. 

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Yet, amidst this golden promise, lie dark stains. 

Value accretion: While automation empowers faster, higher-quality production, it threatens low-skilled workers with potential job losses.

Man & AI

Forget the "human vs. machine" narrative. The question is: can humans and machines collaborate? Can they co-create a fashion future where technology enhances, not replaces, human talent?

Morphosis: Automation isn't new, but advancements in robotics, AI, and IoT have upped the game. Once clumsy robots, they have morphed into precise tailors, handling repetitive tasks with superhuman speed. 

AI will revolutionize labour, but it won't necessarily eliminate jobs

However, the human touch remains irreplaceable in design and fitting. This is where our strength lies.

Automation won't eliminate jobs; it will transform them. Workers will become weavers of digital threads, operating, maintaining, and even improving automated systems. But what of those whose skills become obsolete?

Here's the crucial stitch: ensuring a just transition. We must create safety nets for displaced workers, offering reskilling and alternative livelihoods. 

Symphony of Innovation: Humans & AI Harmonize in Apparel's Future 

Emerging new paradigms: businesses must invest in their human capital, preparing them for the new digital landscape.

Automation shouldn't be a rip in the fabric; it should be a catalyst for a sustainable, equitable industry. 

By harnessing the unique strengths of both humans and machines, we can stitch together a future where innovation flourishes and workers thrive, not fray, amidst the ever-changing threads of fashion.

5 Key Insights:

  1. Collaboration Wins: Humans + AI in fashion harmony.
  2. Dark Stains: Automating jobs, risking displacement.
  3. Morphing Robots: Precise tailors, but not designers.
  4. Jobs Transformed: Weavers of digital threads.
  5. Just Transition: Reskilling for a new workforce.

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