Shree Balaji Group: Team up with fashion brands

Shree Balaji Group: Team up with fashion brands

12 July 2022, Mumbai:

Shree Balaji Group ties up with fashion brands for the new mall Agora City Centre in Vadodara, Gujarat and it is in advanced talks with numerous fashion brands for its retail segment retail space within the Agora City Centre development will feature a wide array of fashion, lifestyle, and cosmetics brands among others.

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Shree Balaji Group is very seriously pursuing rope in & already in quite advanced talks with a bevy of marquee fashion brands such as  Levi’s, Veromoda, Metro Brand Shoes, and many more among others to lease its space in this mall.

The milestone of the project is that it is reportedly one of the biggest scale mixed-use land developments in Gujarat.

CREDITS: Fashion Network

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