VDMA: Webtalk on recycling of man-made fibres with more than 400 registrations
17 January 2022, Mumbai:
The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 19 January (2:00 – 3:30 pm CET). The event “Recycling of man-made fibres - challenges and solutions towards a textile circular economy” already attracted more than 400 registrations.
The speakers and their topics at a glance
Ms Amrei Becker, Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University:
Current developments of technical solutions for textile recycling:
Numerous processes to recycle plastics are described in the literature. However, fibre blends, multilayer constructions, and textile-specific impurities make the recycling of synthetic textiles a particular challenge. In this webinar, challenges and solutions for the recycling of synthetic textiles will be presented and discussed.
Mr Markus Reichwein, Oerlikon Textile
Innovative Manmade Fibers Solutions support a sustainable textile value chain
The right technologies for recycling and energy efficiency are key requirement for a sustainable Manmade Fiber Industry. Oerlikon Manmade Fibers is describing a cascaded approach into new technologies as well as different material sources outlining the need for versatile solutions.
Two more technology webtalks are already scheduled for February:
Resource-saving in Textile Processing - Continous Dyeing and Washing Latest news from Monforts, DyStar® and Goller
February 3rd 2022, 01:00 pm CET
Speakers and their topics:
Mr Jonas Beisel, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen: Econtrol®: Continuous dyeing under ecological and economical aspects
Mr Bertram Seuthe, DyStar Colours Distribution: DyStar®’s Sustainable Concepts for Continuous Dyeing
Mr Guido Seiler, FONG'S EUROPE: Continuous washing after dyeing - flexible and efficient with GOLLER SINTENSA and EFFECTA compartments.
Another webtalk under the title Sustainability with minimal application with the companies PLEVA and WEKO is already scheduled for 19.02.22. Information will follow!
After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions.
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