Birla Cellulose & Go-Natura: To create sustainable sanitary pads

29 August 2022, Mumbai
Birla Cellulose teams up with GoNatura, a Bengaluru-based sanitary pad to produce cost-effective and environment-friendly sanitary pads using the Viscose-based Purocel EcoDry fibre as a top-sheet in their GoNatura sanitary pads.
With the mission to overcome the environmental consequences endured due to the global consumption of plastic-based single-use sanitary pads and curb the ecological damage through plastic-free natural sanitary pads available at an affordable price, the Birla cellulose team has been working tirelessly with GoNatura to successfully integrate through multiple product trials in an effort to ensure smooth integration in their sanitary pads.
According to a study conducted by the Indian government, 121 million women use sanitary napkins in the country, and that multiplied by eight pads per cycle amounts to 1 billion pads per month and a staggering 12 billion pads each year which takes hundreds of years to decompose. The disposal of such plastic napkins has become a big matter of concern in the country and across the world. This is where Purocel Ecodry, a highly sustainable and environmentally friendly fibre from Birla Cellulose, plays a key role.
Rahul Bansal (AVP, Sales & Marketing – Non-woven, Birla Cellulose) said, “Our primary objective behind the collaboration with GoNatura is to potentially avoid non-biodegradable waste and produce environmentally responsible hygiene products.
This can be achieved by crafting a layer-by-layer approach to make a fully biodegradable sanitary napkin so we can showcase our pioneering efforts in filling the gap and addressing the need-state of a brand that produces environmentally responsible hygiene products.
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