Hindustani Chamber of Commerce mourns the loss of former President Kashi Nath Gadia

Hindustani Chamber of Commerce mourns the loss of former President Kashi Nath Gadia

24 August 2024, Mumbai

The Hindustani Chamber of Commerce (HCC) is deeply saddened to announce the passing of KashiNathGadia, a revered patron and former president of the chamber. Gadia passed away on August 23, 2024.

Gadia has been an integral part of the HCC for over three decades. He was elected to the chamber's executive committee in 1989 and served diligently throughout his life. He held the positions of vice president from 1991-93 and president from 1993-95.

Gadia was a also trustee of several trusts associated with the HCC, his contributions were instrumental in strengthening the financial stability of these organizations.

As a member of the chamber's arbitration and conciliation panel, Gadia played a key role in resolving business disputes.

Gadia was known for his generous contributions to various initiatives of the chamber, school, and hospital. He was also actively involved in numerous educational, social, cultural, and religious organizations across the country.

Gadia was a respected businessman, a philanthropist, and a devout individual. His loss is deeply felt by the chamber family and the community at large.

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