Better Cotton: Traceability Solution for Fashion & Textile Sectors

03 November 2023, Mumbai
Better Cotton, the world's largest cotton sustainability initiative, has launched a first-of-its-kind traceability solution for the fashion and textile sectors. The solution will enable companies to accurately trace and disclose the origin of raw materials, providing greater supply chain visibility.
Traceable Better Cotton is defined as the 'physical' Better Cotton within a cotton-containing product that has been tracked through the supply chain, differing from Better Cotton's Mass Balance Chain of Custody model.
Nuanced picture
Suppliers will log transactional information on the Better Cotton Platform to track where Better Cotton has originated from and how much is within a product, with traceability spanning the cotton ginning stage right through to the retailer or brand.
Traceability at scale for cotton will drive a seismic shift within our industry's supply chains. Better Cotton's traceability solution is poised to help the industry deliver that shift.
Better Cotton's traceability solution is a significant step forward for the cotton industry and will help to drive more sustainable and transparent supply chains.