27 January 2023, Mumbai
Given herewith is the export performance of the top 60 RMG/apparel products in 6 digit HS-code level for the past 3 years with a comparative analysis to understand the position and performance of Bangladesh compared to the whole world.
BGMEA analysis puts it like this, the top exportable apparel items of Bangladesh in 2022 were cotton t-shirts, men's or boys' cotton woven trousers, women's or girl’s cotton woven trousers, cotton jerseys & pullovers, MMF jerseys & pullovers, men's or boys cotton woven shirts, w/g cotton knitted trousers, men or boys synthetic woven trousers, men or boys cotton knitted shirts, and men or boys cotton knitted trouser.
In aggregate, the share of these 10 items in the total apparel export earnings of Bangladesh was 67.70% in 2022. In 2020 export earnings from these 10 items were 18.70 billion which rose to 24.49 billion dollars in 2021.
In 2022, it further increased by 26.36% compared to 2021 and reached 30.94 billion dollars. At the same time, the global import of these items was 43.19 billion dollars in 2021 of which the share Bangladesh was 8.29%.