09 January 2023, Mumbai
The share of RMG in total export of Bangladesh has gone up to 83.57% in 2022 which was 80.98% in 2021.
The export earnings from other textiles and related items such as headgear, cotton products, specialized textiles, silk, and wool & woolen products also increased.
In 2022, Bangladesh has set a new milestone of USD 45.70 billion RMG export. As per our analysis, Bangladesh’s RMG export has increased by 27.64% in 2022 compared to 2021.
Looking back over the past five years, RMG export in 2018 was USD 32.92 billion, which increased to USD 33.07 billion in 2019. COVID hit the industry in 2020, and export came down to USD 27.48 billion. But in 2021, export regained the previous phase and reached USD 35.81 billion. From there we crossed USD 45 billion in 2022.
These are remarkable achievements, however, there are some challenges and struggles as well.