20 September 2022, Mumbai:
Brazil is the world’s largest supplier of socially and environmentally certified cotton.
A story whose origin dates to 2005, when the Brazilian Cotton Growers Association (Abrapa) started a regional initiative to develop its Brazilian cotton sustainability program, the “Responsible Brazilian Cotton” (ABR).
With more efficient and certified farms, Brazil has been increasing the quality indicators of its lint year after year.
In the 2021 crop, when Brazil produced more than 2.3 million tons of lint, 84% of all national production was certified – an all-time record.
In addition to being the fourth largest cotton grower in the world and the second largest lint exporter, Brazil also ranks number one in certified cotton exports.
The indicators used in the Brazilian program also include guidelines adopted by the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). Producer adherence to the ABR Program has increased year by year.”
Another distinguishing factor is the series of environmental assets generated by Brazilian cotton production methods.
(CREDITS: Cotton Brazil website)