Neeman: 'Tree Sneakers' Launched

Neeman: 'Tree Sneakers' Launched

14 July 2022, Mumbai:

Neeman’s, The eco-conscious company has introduced the launch of deepening its product line with its new sneaker range ‘Tree Sneakers’.

The brand claims core to its Brand's DNA the fabric used in constructing the new collection contains Tencel lyocell fibers sourced sustainably.

RELATED NEWS . Neeman, D2C Footwear delights customers via Sustainable Merino Wool Shoes

ALSO READ D2C brand Neeman’s raises debt funding for expanding portfolio 

Neeman's was created out of the desire not just to break the mold but to obliterate it.

Crafting change As we are becoming more aware and concerned about eating right and thus moving from preservative to fresh, from antibiotics to organic, and from injected to farm-raised food, it's time to start thinking about what goes in the footwear differently.

It's time to choose Neeman's footwear that constructs shoes made for you and the environment.

CREDITS: Fashion Network

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