Game-Changing Technologies & Traits for Achieving High Yields & Fine Quality of Cotton

24 November 2022, Mumbai:
2nd edition of the Global Cotton Conference (Hybrid) was held in Hotel The Park, 15, Parliament Street, New Delhi on Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 in New Delhi.
About CITI
Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) being one of the leading industry chambers of the textile and clothing sector of India, represents the major leading regional & industry associations and covers the entire textile value chain.
Theme: Global Cotton Conference is “Game-Changing Technologies & Traits for Achieving High Yields and Fine Quality of Cotton”.
Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Union Minister of Textiles, Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, and Food & Public Distribution was invited to be the Chief Guest and inaugurate the Mega Event.
The Mega Event had four important Sessions covering the cotton value chain as in detail given below:
Game-changing technologies & traits for achieving high yields and fine quality of cotton Revamping of Cotton Breeding Programs for Efficient Use of Genetic Resources under Changing Climate
Cotton Global Raw Material Scenario
Traceability & Circularity.
Sanjay Chawla, Publisher & Editor of DFU Publications was one of the Panelists in Session II “Cotton – Global Raw Material Scenario”.
He made a very forceful presentation sharing his deep trade insights based on his over 35 years of global trade experience driving home points with hard trade data; spanning the global cotton trade, cultivation, pricing dynamics, the US Cotton ban on China, and its impact on the cotton supply-demand situation.
He further stressed that cotton is a commodity and sometimes for political issues decisions are taken which may not assume merit.
He also pinpointedly underlined that the US placed limitations/restrictions on importing some goods from the Chinese province of Xinjiang on September 14 due to concerns about using unlawful and gross human rights violations/cruel forced labor there, and its intent to use this harder and harder and subsequent ally countries following suit have serious implications on the supply chains of major global apparel exporting nations Bangladesh, Vietnam, and nobody including India is spared from its after-effects.
In fact, the harsh reality of the day is that the Indian market is already experiencing and, it has only compounded the problems of India's cotton yarn spinning industry on the back of Chinese tactical cheap offerings leading to unintended & far-reaching consequences.
So China's current status from a net exporter to importer is disturbing the whole global supply chain given that China is already reached a level of around 12,000$ per capita which is absolutely historic, as no country has remained a textile nation reaching beyond 5000$; therefore, it is a matter of time when China starts to vacate more and more space clearly it is a call country like India seriously needs to take grabbing opportunity presenting itself with both hands. The insights really enriched the deliberations.