The goods and services tax (GST) regime completed 4 years

The goods and services tax (GST) regime completed  4 years

GST  (Goods & Services) there are issues which still that bog & disrupt several industrial sectors in India. In some sense it is still work in progress.

But Unquestionably gst still remains post independence India's the boldest reform. 

A quick low down on the GST journey now that it has covered 4 years yesterday.



Beneficiary Segments: Textile, Garment & footwear sectors in more than one ways.


Hits & Misses



  • GST reduced compliance burden unambiguously
  • GST reduced input costs of the garment industry by subsuming complicated taxes
  • What it has facilitated is such as streamlining payments, minimising multiplicity in taxes, reducing/ doing away with overlap & easing documentation resulting in targeted record keeping
  • It has also resulted in integration of manufacturing activities in the units and across units in this fragmented sector



What it is not as demanded that all indirect taxes must be brought under GST, so that exporters only need to claim a refund of the input taxes paid, making the system more efficient than separate reimbursement schemes


Issues that need redressal :

Reduction of GST slabs,

Inverted duty structure etc.


As per AEPC (APPAREL EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL),Chairman Dr A Sakthivel,"Though GST initially posed a lot of problems, over time GST has achieved it objective"


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