The e-SHRAM site is now available! The Indian government's attempt to keep a database of unorganized laborers

The e-SHRAM site is now available! The Indian government's attempt to keep a database of unorganized laborers

26th August 2021, Mumbai:

The Union Government is launching the e-SHRAM platform, which will serve as a database for unorganized employees. Workers will be given an e-SHRAM card with a 12-digit unique number as part of the project.

A nationwide toll-free hotline, 14434, will be established to help and answer questions from workers interested in registering on the site. The goal of the effort is to integrate the government's social security programs. State governments and agencies will also be given access to the workers' information.

The webpage would be launched tomorrow, according to Union Minister for Labour and Employment Bhupender Yadav (26 August). It's worth noting that the government wants to register 38 million unorganized employees, including those in the textile and clothing industry, construction, migrant workers, street sellers, and domestic workers, among others. A worker may register by providing his or her Aadhaar card number and bank account information, as well as other required information such as date of birth, hometown, cellphone number, and socioeconomic category. The majority of employees in India's domestic garment manufacturing business are in the unorganized sector, which means they are not eligible for most government benefits.

The Unorganised Employee's Co-operative Society Ltd.,


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