Launch of WIPO Global Awards program

Launch of WIPO Global Awards program

15 December 2021, Mumbai:

WIPO's Global Awards program recognizes exceptional enterprises and individuals using intellectual property (IP) to make a positive impact - both at home and beyond their own borders.

The Global Awards program is rooted in WIPO’s mission to ensure a world where innovation and creativity from anywhere is supported by intellectual property for the good of everyone. The awards recognize and support those whose skills contribute to the progress and improve other people’s lives.

Each year, a diverse, independent seven-person international jury with expertise in IP, innovation, and business will evaluate a group of self-nominated candidates from WIPO's the Member States.

About the Inaugural WIPO Global Awards: SMEs

IP in its different forms, ranging from patents and trademarks to industrial designs and copyright, is of immense significance for the economic, social and cultural development of society.

SMEs make up a large share of economies, whether in developed or less developed countries, and are a critical source of innovation and creativity across all sectors, markets and aspects of life.

The WIPO Global Awards Program recognizes the central role of innovative and creative activities of SMEs and recognizes those that have used IP rights to develop solutions that have made a positive contribution to society, economically, socially, or culturally. (The news article has not been edited by DFU Publications staff)


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