Garment Mantra to set up integrated facility in Surat, Gujarat

08 January 2022, Mumbai:
Garment Mantra Lifestyle plans to setup a new centralized integrated facility in Surat, Gujarat to efficiently cover the western region and scale up the operations of Poortibesides giving an impetus to its apparel convenience store Price Mantra to strengthen brand visibility in the region.
The proposed integrated facility will not just scale up business operations but also boost the company’s revenues in the next two years. It will also promote brand loyalty by catering to a large customer base.
This facility is dedicatedly planned strategically to build and grow strong revenue models from Poorti: a textile wholesale surplus hub and gradually enhance the presence of Price Mantra: an apparel convenience store model.
Extending upto ~10,000 sqft, the facility is equipped with modern facilities to manage operations efficiently and the management expects to commence operations in this quarter i.e. Q4FY22.
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